Grain Free Puppy Food
A complete and balanced grain free puppy food for healthy growth, digestion, immunity, joints, teeth and bones. Made with fresh chicken and natural ingredients (chicken, sweet potato, linseed and botanicals).
Into this grain free puppy food recipe, we have combined fresh chicken, which is gentle on digestion and rich in protein and vitamins for healthy muscle growth. Our grain free puppy food also contains sweet potato for slow-release energy and dietary fibre. We’ve also included turmeric for antibacterial and healing properties, linseed for Omega 3 & 6 to help keep skin healthy and coats glossy, and marigold to help keep joints healthy and supple.
Our carefully selected botanical herbs include lutein to help keep your puppy’s immunity healthy, and zeaxanthin, a natural antioxidant essential in helping to maintain healthy eye development. With an added sprinkle of vitamins and minerals including Vitamin D to support strong bones, Vitamin C for an antioxidant boost, as well as FOS, MOS and inulin which are essential prebiotics to maintaining healthy gut flora and settling your puppy’s tummy. And of course, our grain free puppy food is extra gentle on tiny tummies.
- Formulated free from wheat, grains, gluten, soya, dairy, egg and sugar.
- No GM ingredients. No fillers.
- No added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.
Chicken (42%) (24% Chicken Meal, 18% Freshly Prepared Chicken*), Sweet Potato (35%), Rapeseed Oil, Chicken Gravy, Linseed (4%), Beet Pulp, Potato Protein, Botanicals (0.2% Seaweed, 0.15% MOS, 0.15% FOS, 0.135% Inulin, 0.01% Turmeric, 0.004% Marigold and 0.00008% Lutein and Zeaxanthin), Minerals. *Minimum 70% Fresh Chicken.
Nutritional Additives (kg): Vitamin A 21000IU, Vitamin D3 2000IU, Vitamin E 500mg, Vitamin C 75mg, Zinc (Zinc Oxide) 70mg, Iron (Iron (II) Sulphate Monohydrate) 50mg, Manganese (Manganous Sulphate Monohydrate) 50mg, Zinc (Zinc Chelate of Protein Hydrolysates) 30mg, Copper (Copper (II) Sulphate Pentahydrate) 7.5mg, Iodine (Calcium Iodate Anhydrous) 2mg, Selenium (Sodium Selenite) 0.18mg. Technological Additives: Tocopherol extracts from vegetable oils 100mg.
Protein 31%, Crude Fibre 3%, Fat Content 15%, Crude Ash 10%, Omega 3 1%, Omega 6 2%
Breed Size
Up to 50% of adult weight (grams per day)
50% to 80% of adult weight (grams per day)
80% to 100% of adult weight (grams per day)
190g – 365g
155g – 305g
125g – 245g
365g – 635g
305g – 530g
245g – 425g
635g – 985g
530g – 825g
425g – 655g
985g +
825g +
655g +
An individual puppy’s requirements may differ from this guide. Introduce Laughing Dog puppy complete food at around 6 weeks of age and continue feeding until your puppy reaches adult age. At this stage a change to Laughing Dog adult complete is recommended. It is advisable to moisten Laughing Dog puppy complete for puppies under 12 weeks of age. When introducing your puppy to new food, make the change gradually over 7 days, increasing the proportion of the new food each day.
370 kcal/100g
Fresh drinking water should always be available for your dog. made in a pet food environment handling other cereals and species of meat.
Store in a cool, dry place.
Over £40 |
Next Working Day Delivery if ordered before 11.30am |
Free |
Under £40 |
Next Working Day Delivery if ordered before 11.30am
Royal Mail Tracked 48 if ordered before 11:30am (items under 2kg) |
£4.95 |
Personalised Order |
5 – 7 Working Day Delivery |
Free if over £40 |
Please note we can only accept customer orders for delivery to addresses in England, Wales and Scotland, although restrictions and additional delivery charges may apply to Northern Ireland, Northern Scotland, Scottish Highlands and Offshore Islands. Also, please be aware that all hand-decorated biscuit bones can take up to 7 working-days for delivery. All other items as part of this order will be sent out once the biscuit bone has been crafted by our bakers. Please visit our Delivery page for more information.