Grain free duck wet dog food
Our Gloriously Grain Free Duck wet dog food is rich in delicious and nutritious dog happy ingredients. Made with irresistibly succulent duck that’s high in protein and gentle on digestion. It contains farm-grown green and root vegetables, jam-packed with B vitamins, iron and natural antioxidants, as well as mixed herbs including parsley, mint and oregano to help support overall health and immunity. Our complete recipes are guaranteed to get tails wagging! Into the mixing bowl we’ve also added seaweed, a natural source of iodine that helps support metabolism. Click on our FAQs to discover more information about our ingredients.
We sell our duck wet food in cases only – each Duck Casserole case contains 8 x 395g trays of wet dog food.
- No added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives
- No added grains, cereals, wheat, gluten, soya or dairy
- Single species recipe
See the full list of what goes into the mixing bowl under our Nutrition tab.