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What’s happening down the farm?

This week on the farm saw the start of our rapeseed harvest. Tom and Gus were busy combining our rape which is harvested as a flower and then pressed to produce rapeseed oil.

Rapeseed oil has extraordinary health benefits for your dog thanks to the omega 3 and 6 it provides, ensuring glossy coats and bright eyes. It also has the lowest saturated fat content of any oil and is packed with vitamin E; a great antioxidant for your dog.

Although we might miss seeing the fields full of glorious bright yellow flowers, it’s great to see the rapeseed harvested and is always so rewarding to see the final product. Head to our social pages to watch videos of  Tom in action with Gus offering a helping hand too of course!

It’s a busy season for us now – I’ll be sure to keep you posted with lots of photos as we start to harvest our wheat, barley and oats.

With very best wishes, Rachel Grant.

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